Luminant Helps Ensure Reliability on ERCOT Record-Setting Demand Day
Dallas –
Luminant’s fleet of nuclear, coal and natural gas power plants helped power Texas – and contribute to continued reliability – through today’s record-setting June demand. Every available power plant unit provided generation, including two nuclear units, 12 lignite-fueled units and multiple natural gas units.
“When temperatures get this extreme, reliability is even more critical,” said Mike Williams, Luminant’s chief fossil officer. “We take our role of powering Texas very seriously and our team of thousands of dedicated employees at our plants and mines worked safely to make sure our units were available to meet today’s high demand.”
“Hot summers come as no surprise when you live in Texas,” said Rafael Flores, chief nuclear officer. “Therefore, our team began preparing months ago. Our employees’ consistent focus on reliability reduced the risk for challenges that we might have otherwise faced.”
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About Luminant
Luminant, a subsidiary of Energy Future Holdings Corp., is a competitive power generation business, including mining, wholesale marketing and trading, and development operations. Luminant has more than 15,400 megawatts of generation in Texas, including 2,300 MW fueled by nuclear power and 8,000 MW fueled by coal. The company is also one of the largest purchasers of wind-generated electricity in Texas and the nation. EFH is a Dallas-based energy holding company that has a portfolio of competitive and regulated energy subsidiaries, primarily in Texas. Visit https://www.luminant.com/ or http://www.energyfutureholdings.com/ for additional information.
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